From Stephen Wagner
Your Guide to Paranormal Phenomena.
When we hear there is going to be a movie made about EVPs (White Noise), exorcisms (The Exorcist) or any other paranormal phenomena, we can assume that Hollywood is going to exaggerate, distort and otherwise overhype the phenomena to the point that they are no longer believable or have any semblance to real-life paranormal events. And that's fine. That's Hollywood entertainment. Rare is the paranormal-themed movie that is true to the historical documentation, but that's what you get with The Bell Witch Haunting from Willing Hearts Productions. What the film, now available on DVD, lacks in high-budget production values, special effects and big-name movie stars, it makes up in authenticity. (Which is not to imply that the production, effects and acting are bad – they're not.) The Bell Witch Haunting is a faithful adaptation of one of the most spectacular and best-documented poltergeist haunting cases in American history. In the early 19th century, a vengeful spirit with a woman's voice tormented John Bell and his family for over four years in a small Tennessee village. It banged on walls, threw objects, taunted, threatened, slapped and attacked. Some believe it was even responsible for John Bell's death. This screenplay is based on the actual journals, diaries and other writings of the people who actually experienced the horrific events, bringing us close as we may ever get to what really happened to the Bell family.
Thursday June 16, 2005 |