Strange Encounters review of "The Bell Witch Haunting":
Bell Witch Haunting" - Fun, Freaky, For Real...
Written and Directed by Ric White
Willing Hearts Productions
I've seen some pretty bad movies in my day, and this is not one of them. I was impressed by what this movie accomplished compared to films backed by Hollywood dollars and special effects. I've seen my share of bad big budget productions; the Bell Witch Haunting is one of the better small budget productions I've seen.
Using creativity and talent, the actors and makers of this film (in some cases one and the same) have succeeded in creating an independent work of art that effectively tells the story of the haunting of the Bell family between 1817 and 1821, in Tennessee.
The characters are loveable, intriguing and fun. The film is at once enchanting, disturbing, and creepy. While there are many moments of shock, fright and drama, there are equally as many moments of humor. I was especially entertained by the chamber pot which, under control of the mischievous spirit, terrorized Drew Bell on several occasions.
While there are aspects of the film that could have been improved (please note: that can be said about almost any film) it has, nonetheless, a charming character and is indeed well done. A tip of my hat to Mr. Ric White for a great story and a spellbinding performance. Bravo to the rest of the cast, it looks as though they had a great time making this movie.
One more thing to consider, this being a small budget film, is the attention to detail in the form of authentic period clothing and decor, locations and mannerisms. While watching the "Bell Witch Haunting" I actually felt as if I was observing actual characters from that period so long ago.
The Bell Witch Haunting was a spooky film, but it seemed to scare me more an hour after it was over. I felt unease as I walked through my darkened home past windows with nothing but the dark night beyond. This story -- more importantly, this particular telling of the story -- has quite a lasting effect. The spirit of the film is still with me even as I write this review... I hope it doesn't start talking.
Review by Drew Vics for Strange Encounters (11/18/05)
Review located at: http://strange.myeyez.net/bell-witch-haunting-movie-review.shtml